Use this shortlist to look for a thesis topic and click on the link to read more!
Some topics are only formulated in Swedish. Use Google translate (for a rough translation) if you want to know more.
NOTE: The last thesis proposals might not be in the list below (thus also have a look at the blog). The list below was updated in mid-December 2011.
Energi, IT och design [Energy, IT and design]
Hur kan man sänka elförbrukningen genom att ge återkoppling och koppla ihop behov, attityder, vanor (och kostnader!) med IT-stöd, t.ex. visualiseringsverktyg som till exempel Google Powermeter?
Koldioxidvaluta [Carbon dioxide currency]
Vissa har föreslagit att man ska ransonera CO2-utsläpp på personnivå. Parallellt med kronor och ören betalar man också för bensinen från sin CO2-ranson (tänk ICA-kort). Hur skulle ett sådant system kunna se ut och fungera?
Sociala medier och hållbarhet [Social media and sustainability].
Hur kan sociala medier "göra världen bättre"? Kan sociala medier hjälpa till i i omställningen mot ett hållbart samhälle? Hur använder "omställare" sociala medier idag?
IT use in the post-modern city
How do (poor) people who live in cities in decline (for example Detroit) use information and communication technologies? How are their needs similar or different from other people's ICT needs?
Grönt distansarbete i Sverige [Green distance work in Sweden]
What is the history of distance work in Sweden? Who does it today? Find and map distance workers "with a green agenda" (for example with a quantitative survey or through qualitative interviews).
Den gröna bloggosfären [Mapping the blogosphere]
Hur kan man kartlägga och visualisera den gröna bloggosfären? Eller den politiska bloggosfären?
How is "personal management software" that fake multiple personalities used to change the public perception of the public's opinion on the Internet? How are fake grassroots movements and campaigns ("Astroturfing") set up?
Mass media allowed people to form one-way mass mediated "relationships" with celebrities ("para-social relationships"). Explore para-social relationships 2.0 - what is para-social relationships in the age of the Internet and social media, and when anyone can have a one-way relationship also with anyone else, i.e. (non-celebrity) friends of your friends.
Start with Joshua Meyrowitz' 1986 book "No sense of place: The impact of electronic media on social behavior". Fast-forward 25 years, what are the implications of social media? What is the relationship between place, electronic media and social behavior in the age of social media?
What is the relationship between traditional mass media and social media?
- Cluster 1: What motives non-commercial actors? What does the "career" of a amateur/semi-professional bloggers look like?
- Cluster 2: What does the ecosystem of a limited, topically related area/cluster of blogs look like? How do news and information "flow" through a network?
- Cluster 3: What is the relationship between mass media actors (individual journalists, editors, newpapers, radio and televison stations) and social media?
- Cluster 4: How do media consumers chose (social) information channels in a world of abundant information?
"The 99" comic book (featuring a team of superheroes based on Islamic culture and religion) as a "fictive universe" and an example of "transmedia storytelling".
How do smaller, newer companies adapt to current realities of Internet (ex. dissolution of copyright) by developing alternative business models that work today?
- A possible case study could be Eric Flint's fictive "1632" universe - or some other company or companies.
Money and economy in and around online games
Study the game industry economy, the in-game economy (how to design economies for complex multi-player games), or the economy spanning the world inside and outside of the game.